Update: Something from Nothing: Too Many Choices, Too Much Opportunity

Pete Weishaupt
2 min readFeb 21, 2022

As I build something from Nothing I feel adrift on a sea of too many choices and too much opportunity. In moments of clarity, I’m drawn back to Seth Godin: Why are you doing this, who is it for, and what is it for?

I don’t want to be a writer. What I mean is, I don’t want that to be my identity. I don’t want to be a stock trader, or a venture capitalist, or an influencer. I want to be a guy who happens to write, trade, invest, and rather than influences, helps others through writing, videos, podcasts, etc. But I don’t want to have my identity wrapped up in any of them. I’ve learned much from many. And I keep learning. In a way, Nothing is my classroom.

In answering Seth’s questions, I continually wrestle with some core questions; what resources am I willing to put into this, both time and money? Who do I want my audience to be? And what do I want to get out of this? Do I want something that makes every day better, or do I want to grind through something so that ten years from now I get the big prize?

I love my day job, I love my part-time job, and I love publishing Nothing. Maybe this is all there is? Process over outcome, the journey is the reward? Or is it all just some Gen-X angst? After all, I named my blog after a Depeche Mode song.

I’ve learned the importance of long term games with long term people. The hard part is what game, and which people? I’ve been fortunate to find the people; the hunt for the right game continues. Until then, I’ll keep trying to make something out of Nothing.

Update 28FEB22: I figured it the fuck out. It will start with a newsletter on the future of blockchains, crypto, and web3. I don’t know what it will end up like, but this is the start. You can’t change the beginning, but you can start where you are now and change the ending: NEXTWEB

