Investing in Exotic Cars, The Empire Strikes Back, and the Importance of Analog in a Digital Era
Pete’s Letter: Volume CI, Issue #21
Pete’s Letter is a weekly newsletter for investing and personal growth. Receive it directly in your inbox every Sunday. Subscribe now.
The week was a blur, but I think I’ve managed to finally complete most of my course corrections. The goal now is to hold the rudder and stay that course. I’ve finished allocating my portfolio and added the appropriate digital/alternative assets (I think). I started the week with Fred Wilson’s “ Buying Crypto Assets” and ended it with shares in a 1982 Aston Martin V8 Vantage through Rally.
All nine seasons of Seinfeld are on Netflix right now. I never watched the show in the 90’s, and to be honest, I don’t think I would’ve liked it back then. That said, it is really good and I’m enjoying it now.
Have a great week and a happy Thanksgiving.
Much ado about newsletters these days. Personally, I think there’s way too many; including mine, but thank you for continuing to subscribe. One thing to consider though, do you need a newsletter exit strategy? For my part, my newsletter sort of acts like a week-in-review for the things I’m learning and doing.
Infinite Loops | Kyla Scanlon
Well known for her humorous videos on social media, Kyla and Jim O’Shaughnessy discuss building your CV online, financial education in 2021, the importance of the analog in the digital era, and much more.
here It Happens | Howard Lindzon
Community isn’t a good business. It’s hard to build a community. But we’re entering the first time where community has a chance to be worth something from the start because it doesn’t have to be VC funded. And community doesn’t seem to be a VC funded idea in general, or media, but we need community and we need media. Web 3.0 may be a way to start something that should scale without founders having to sell their souls for VC money.
“Speculation has become Entertainment.”
For those following my investing and trading ‘learn by doing’ saga, you’ve already seen the evolution through my blog posts. With dreams of day trading stopped dead in their tracks, I’ve moved on to a sort of ‘trend trader’ strategy inspired by Howard Lindzon. If you are following along, I update all my trades on StockTwits and Twitter. Early this past week I took positions in Autozone, Diageo, and Sherwin Williams. Nothing in my trading strategy was triggered, so I will continue to hold them into the coming week. I’ll be adding more stocks should the opportunity arise. The plan is to hold no more than nine stocks, so I’ll be trimming several other holdings as well.
The Pete Weishaupt Show (EP.2)
Disclaimer: All information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment, legal or tax advice, or an offer to buy or sell any security. I have a disclosure policy.
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