Wardrobes, Benchmarks, Seed Investing, and Reality is the New Privilege
Pete’s Letter: Volume CI, Issue #19
The past week was a shitshow. Nothing went according to planned, nevertheless, the show must go on. Somebody, somewhere, once said, “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” Many thanks to Bronwyn Williams for being the very first guest on my podcast. Yes, I know. The world needs another podcast like you need a hole in your head, but mimetic theory. And don’t worry, it won’t be anything near weekly, though my aim is at least monthly. Got to limit supply…
Have a great week.
The Spectator
“Temporary shocks such as a pandemic hence solve a coordination problem. Since everyone else’s behaviour and expectations are changing, it is suddenly more acceptable to rethink your own.” — Rory Sutherland
Collaborative Fund
Morgan Housel lays out the differences in how we measure ourselves. Focus solely on the external, and it’s a never ending path of misery. Starting to focus on internal benchmarks will allow you to see how far you’ve come, relative to were you started.
Catch Gary Benitt of Social Leverage (full disclosure: I work for Gary and Howard at SL) on the TenOneTen Ventures podcast where he lays out what it’s like to be an entrepreneur and investor. With multiple exits, and hundreds of investments, Gary’s seen a thing or two. Tip number one? Hire three AEs.
Infinite Loops
Third times the charm, and Rory does not disappoint.
The Pete Weishaupt Show
Yes, I know. Not the most original title for a podcast, but if it works for Tim Ferriss, it works for me. Listen as Bronwyn Williams explains how reality is the new privilege.
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